Tuesday, August 6, 2013

A new beginning...

Welcome one and all!

Well, as you may have guessed, I am a self proclaimed slacker.  It has taken me a long time to do quite a few things, including this blog.  I keep saying, "I'm going to start/do (fill-in the activity of your choice) soon."  Soon never comes... that is, until today.

You guessed it, ladies and gentlemen.  I have finally gotten off of my ass to get this thing moving!

I love to write.  I think about it all the time and this is what it's all about.  I've written some really messed up stuff in my life, but it has never seen the light of day.  The reason?  I'm terrified of what people will think and/or say about my writing, or that it might get locked away for "observation".  Well, today my writing breaks free.  I will warn you right now that I'm sure somewhere along the line, I will offend people with what I have to say.  Again, I WILL OFFEND PEOPLE.  I've got a big mouth and I'm not afraid to use it. 

My advise to you: If I offend you, let me know.  If you're easily offended, this will not be the blog for you.  I'm willing to put my opinion out there about anything and everything. 

So please, be gentle.  After all, this is my first time....


  1. Technically, in this case, didn't you actually get on your ass to start this blog? Unless of course you're standing at your computer, in which case, I stand corrected.

    1. I do have to stand up once in a while. My butt starts to hurt from all of the slacking.

  2. Go Melissa!!! I support you with your butt in the air or in a chair! (Oh I'm totally channelling Dr. Seuss here haha)

    1. Why, thank you, my dear! There will be more sarcasm to come. :)

  3. Loving it so far. I was waiting for you to start it so I would have something else entertaining to read about beside crazy historical romances. You go girl!!! And you can either sit in a chair or stand as long as I get something else to read. :)

  4. Should have started this in '97...wow, what a slacker. *grin*
