Wednesday, June 4, 2014

I Must Be a Glutton for Punishment

As many of my may have read on my Facebook page, I’ve started running again.  I’ve always enjoyed running, but was not really motivated enough to put myself on a schedule.   Well, that day has come, my friends!  Let the insanity begin!
A few weeks ago, I made a deal (or in my mind, a promise) with Elizabeth to run a half marathon in Virginia in October.  I made a deal with her that if she started training, I would also train after my semester was over and come run it with her when the time came.  I felt this was a reasonable goal.  I had about 6 months to meet this goal.  What the HELL was I thinking?!
I downloaded an app, Couch to Half Marathon, which has a pretty tight running schedule to get one from off their couch to a half marathon in just 12 weeks.  Right now, I have about 18 weeks to train myself to get up to that kind of mileage.  This schedule has me running 5 days out of the week, increasing my distance after the first few days.  Last night, was my first night that I’ve gone for a run in over a year.  Let me tell you, running is not for the faint of heart.  Let’s recount my steps.
According to my schedule, I needed to run 2 miles for the day.  I got a late start due to Red Line delays (Shocker!) and needing to go grocery shopping.  I got on my gear, started up my Map My Run app, and hit the pavement.  I started out at a slow, comfortable pace.  I did need to slow down and walk a few times because I’m not used to doing this and I need to build my stamina.  I pushed forward as best I could.  When all was said and done, I jogged/walked 2.2 miles in 32:25 and got home just in time for Jeopardy.  Not a bad start, if I do say so myself.
I had agreed to make dinner that night, which I did after my run.  I was hot, sweaty, tired, and sore.  Oh, SO SORE!  I was able to take about a 15 minute break before I started dinner, but all I wanted to do was take a shower and a nap.  I took my well earned shower, ate dinner, and got in that nap!  Jim woke me up at 11:00 to go to bed, and I slept through the night.
This morning is when my body decided it was going to revolt.  All I can say is I ache.  I ache everywhere.  I ache in places I forgot I could ache.  My thighs are screaming at me.  My back is kicking me in the ass, which hurts as well!  But, I will keep moving forward.  I will march on and keep training.  I will run that half marathon, even if it kills me!  I’m just praying it doesn’t, but it does have shifty eyes and I don’t trust it...
What pushes you?  Any suggestions for a first time (sort of) runner?  Let me know what you think!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Hey, Where the Hell Have YOU Been?

Hello all!
Let me just say I have been swamped with this semester so far.  Last semester was a breeze compared to this one, and I’m only taking one class!  WTF, yo!
Last semester was pretty easy for me.  I had one on-line class and one brick-and-mortar class on Saturdays.  I knew I was in deep shit when I was the only one to show up to class with pen, paper, and THE BOOK!  Seriously?  I had to share my book with 2 other students.  Also, I was the only one taking notes!  Again, seriously?  Did you not go to high school before you got here?  Well, needless to say, I aced that class! 
My on-line class was pretty straight forward, too.  I got questions I had all week to answer.  No tests, no final exam.  Just a research paper due at the end of the semester.  Again, passed with flying colors.  Was it stressful?  Of course, it was!  But, I made it through mostly unscathed.
This semester, on the other hand, on-line class is much more involved.  It’s been difficult for me to get any writing done because I’ve been so caught up in this particular class.  The subject is U.S. History up to post Civil War.  I thought it would be a blast!  Yeah, not so much.  It’s hard for me to explain, but it seems to be sucking the passion I have for U.S. history out of me.  Is it the exams or the discussion questions?  All I know is that I feel mentally kicked when I get done EVERY DAMN TIME!  It’s making it really not fun.  Will I pass?  Lord, I hope so, but only time will tell.
So, as I’m preparing myself to start writing a paper for this class, I just want everyone to know I’m alive and well.
On a side note, I’ve also had the worst case of writer’s block.  I keep kicking around ideas to write about, but I’m not sure if I’m ready to piss people off at this point.  I did warn you that I’m most likely going to offend people because what I write is my opinion and that’s what this whole thing is about.  However, I’m not sure, at this time, if I can take the backlash.  So, bear with me while I try to find the balls I had when I started. 
Wish me luck, y'all!