Tuesday, July 14, 2015

HA! HA! Inner sloth strikes again!

I know, I know.  I suck at this.  Every once in a while, my inner sloth will take over and I don’t do things for a really long time.  I really don’t have an excuse for it, but I sort of do.

As many of you know, I had a pretty rough start to my year this year.  I lost a friend of mine right after my birthday.  No more than 3 days later, a doctor was shot and killed at the hospital I work at.  It’s been an emotional beginning and I finally feel like I’m starting to get my bearings about me again.

I’ve finished my second year at Quincy College and had the biggest course load I’ve taken on so far.  Let me tell you, I will NOT be doing that again if I want to maintain my sanity.  My brain and my nerves just can’t handle that kind of work load anymore.

I’ve taken some time to myself to process everything that has happened over the last 7 months and I just wanted to let everyone know I’m still here.  I’m making some health changes in my life, physically and mentally, and I’m starting to feel better.  I’ve taken up a new hobby, gardening, for the summer.  I’ve signed up for the time suck, that is Pinterest, to give me ideas for my garden.  I’m also looking forward to a new school year.  Hopefully, this will be all I need to receive my Associate’s Degree and transfer to a university to complete my Bachelor’s Degree.  Look at me, adulting and stuff!

Once I kick my inner sloth’s ass in gear, I’m going to start running again and exercising more.  But as I always say, baby steps.  Little baby sloth steps.

I will be writing more regularly, that I know.  I’ll keep everyone posted via blog posts of my progress.

What would you like me to write about?  Does anyone else battle their inner sloth?  Tell me about it!  

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

I Must Be a Glutton for Punishment

As many of my may have read on my Facebook page, I’ve started running again.  I’ve always enjoyed running, but was not really motivated enough to put myself on a schedule.   Well, that day has come, my friends!  Let the insanity begin!
A few weeks ago, I made a deal (or in my mind, a promise) with Elizabeth to run a half marathon in Virginia in October.  I made a deal with her that if she started training, I would also train after my semester was over and come run it with her when the time came.  I felt this was a reasonable goal.  I had about 6 months to meet this goal.  What the HELL was I thinking?!
I downloaded an app, Couch to Half Marathon, which has a pretty tight running schedule to get one from off their couch to a half marathon in just 12 weeks.  Right now, I have about 18 weeks to train myself to get up to that kind of mileage.  This schedule has me running 5 days out of the week, increasing my distance after the first few days.  Last night, was my first night that I’ve gone for a run in over a year.  Let me tell you, running is not for the faint of heart.  Let’s recount my steps.
According to my schedule, I needed to run 2 miles for the day.  I got a late start due to Red Line delays (Shocker!) and needing to go grocery shopping.  I got on my gear, started up my Map My Run app, and hit the pavement.  I started out at a slow, comfortable pace.  I did need to slow down and walk a few times because I’m not used to doing this and I need to build my stamina.  I pushed forward as best I could.  When all was said and done, I jogged/walked 2.2 miles in 32:25 and got home just in time for Jeopardy.  Not a bad start, if I do say so myself.
I had agreed to make dinner that night, which I did after my run.  I was hot, sweaty, tired, and sore.  Oh, SO SORE!  I was able to take about a 15 minute break before I started dinner, but all I wanted to do was take a shower and a nap.  I took my well earned shower, ate dinner, and got in that nap!  Jim woke me up at 11:00 to go to bed, and I slept through the night.
This morning is when my body decided it was going to revolt.  All I can say is I ache.  I ache everywhere.  I ache in places I forgot I could ache.  My thighs are screaming at me.  My back is kicking me in the ass, which hurts as well!  But, I will keep moving forward.  I will march on and keep training.  I will run that half marathon, even if it kills me!  I’m just praying it doesn’t, but it does have shifty eyes and I don’t trust it...
What pushes you?  Any suggestions for a first time (sort of) runner?  Let me know what you think!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Hey, Where the Hell Have YOU Been?

Hello all!
Let me just say I have been swamped with this semester so far.  Last semester was a breeze compared to this one, and I’m only taking one class!  WTF, yo!
Last semester was pretty easy for me.  I had one on-line class and one brick-and-mortar class on Saturdays.  I knew I was in deep shit when I was the only one to show up to class with pen, paper, and THE BOOK!  Seriously?  I had to share my book with 2 other students.  Also, I was the only one taking notes!  Again, seriously?  Did you not go to high school before you got here?  Well, needless to say, I aced that class! 
My on-line class was pretty straight forward, too.  I got questions I had all week to answer.  No tests, no final exam.  Just a research paper due at the end of the semester.  Again, passed with flying colors.  Was it stressful?  Of course, it was!  But, I made it through mostly unscathed.
This semester, on the other hand, on-line class is much more involved.  It’s been difficult for me to get any writing done because I’ve been so caught up in this particular class.  The subject is U.S. History up to post Civil War.  I thought it would be a blast!  Yeah, not so much.  It’s hard for me to explain, but it seems to be sucking the passion I have for U.S. history out of me.  Is it the exams or the discussion questions?  All I know is that I feel mentally kicked when I get done EVERY DAMN TIME!  It’s making it really not fun.  Will I pass?  Lord, I hope so, but only time will tell.
So, as I’m preparing myself to start writing a paper for this class, I just want everyone to know I’m alive and well.
On a side note, I’ve also had the worst case of writer’s block.  I keep kicking around ideas to write about, but I’m not sure if I’m ready to piss people off at this point.  I did warn you that I’m most likely going to offend people because what I write is my opinion and that’s what this whole thing is about.  However, I’m not sure, at this time, if I can take the backlash.  So, bear with me while I try to find the balls I had when I started. 
Wish me luck, y'all!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Sometimes, You Just Can't Fix Stupid.

Being a recently returned student, I know how much exams suck.  They stress you out and drive you batshit crazy for a few weeks before.  I get that.  But you know what I wouldn’t do?  Call in a bomb threat to avoid one.
Some of you may or may not know this, but a Harvard student did that earlier this week.  That’s right.  This asshat e-mailed a bomb threat to avoid taking his exam and had 4 buildings evacuated in the process!  A Harvard student.  An Ivy League student.  What the hell is this world coming to???
Like I said before, I know how much exams suck.  I remember taking some of the most difficult exams of my life while I was in college the first time.  Music History tortured me!  Music Theory wrecked me!  My tap dance final almost killed me, literally!  Ok, I had bronchitis at the time and didn’t know it, and had to perform at a recital for my exam.  So, it literally almost killed me.  I was instructed by the doctor to not get out of bed for 3 days, no exceptions!  True story.
However, never in a million years, would I ever threaten my school, fellow students, and hard working faculty to get out of taking one.  That’s just idiocracy at its finest.  Congratulations, you have now earned time in a federal prison instead of a degree from one of the most prestigious universities in the country, and possibly, the world.  Now, you get to become someone’s bitch.  I hope you’re proud!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

An Open Letter to the Cyclists of Boston

Dear Bicyclists of Boston,
From a very young age, I was taught that if you are on a bicycle, you are considered to be on a vehicle and you should obey all traffic laws, like traffic lights or stop signs.  Apparently, I’m extremely wrong based on the nasty looks I get when trying to cross at a crosswalk with the “Walk” sign.
Don’t get me wrong.  I commend people who bike to work.  It’s good for your health, good for the environment, and saves on gas.  However, this does not give you the right to be a douche bag.  You are entitled to NOTHING!  Pedestrians still have the right of way!
Blowing through a red light, biking through a large group of people in the crosswalk, and looking at us like we’re the assholes is unacceptable!  You should in no way, shape, or form be an exception to the rule!  You are not special!  If you get your own designated lane on a city street, you should obey all the laws that apply!  End of story!
I cannot tell you how many times I’ve had to dodge cyclists plowing through a large group of people on their way to work.  So many times, I’ve wanted to throw something into their spokes... but I don’t.  I stead, I yell my displeasure with them using some very colorful metaphors (Thank you, Star Trek 4 for that description).  Playing Frogger to survive my commute and get to work safely is not my idea of a good time.  It’s bad enough the drivers around here are such inconsiderate twats!  One too many times have I been “pushed” by an on-coming car slamming to a halt because they weren’t paying attention to the pedestrian crosswalk.  It’s a damn good thing I work for an awesome orthopedic surgeon!  At least I know I would be well taken care of.
My point is don’t be a dick.  That is the main moral of the story.  Everyone, I’m sure, will agree with this statement. 
Fed up Pedestrian

Monday, September 23, 2013

Vertigo, not just an Alfred Hitchcock movie.

I’m sorry I haven’t been posting much lately.  In case you don’t already know, I’ve been dealing with a pretty nasty case of vertigo for the past week.  If you have never had the joy of experiencing this, let me paint you a nice little picture...
Imagine, if you will, sitting on a boat on calm waters.  You get up and don’t realized exactly how not calm the waters are.  You try to regain your footing while being bounced from side to side.  Now, take away that boat and water, but keep the sensation.  Yup, that’s where I’m at right now.  Everything gives me that feeling!  If I turn my head, blink my eyes, stand up, sir down, or fight, fight, fight!, it’s still there.  I cannot escape it no matter what I do.
This happened to me just a few short months ago, in June.  My primary doctor told me it was called Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo and was told it would go away with time.  They gave me some drugs, pat me on the head (not too hard), and sent me on my way.  Eventually, it did go away and I was able to get my bearings back.
Well, it has reared its ugly head yet again and has rendered me helpless.  This time, I took no chances.  I went to see a specialist for vertigo and he came back with the same answer; it will go away with time.  This just frustrates me because I’m off balance and walking like a toddler.  What am I supposed to do between now and when it decides to take a hike?  Last time, I suffered through it.  I suppose I will have to do the same this time, again.
I wanted to throw this out there in case anyone had any suggestions or cures.  I’ve been offered a Cure Moderate Wounds, Remove Curse, Spiritual Hammer, or all three to be cast at once (bonus points if you understand the references).  I suggested a Restoration spell, but I had to wait an extra 24 hours, plus a flight to Boston because I’m out of range for my Touch AC. 
For now, I’ll suffer with a pounding headache, ringing in my ears, and a “swooshy” feeling just praying this goes away.  If you need me, I’ll be under the covers in my squishy bed.  If I don’t come back in a week, forward my mail.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Confessions of a Part-Time Urban Ranger: My Life in the Gaming World

I love games!  I love gaming!  This is a big part of my life, but some people don’t really get it.  So, let me break it down for you.  Gaming is an outlet.  Gaming helps me get away from my daily life and socialize with friends.  It also lets me kill shit and get cool stuff in the process.  Let me break it down a little bit further.
When I was in college, I was introduced to gamers.  One of my good friends, Art, asked me if I would be interested in coming to a game over the weekend called Vampire: The Masquerade.  The players did something called Live Action Role Playing, or LARPing.  I had no idea what to expect.  I was very interested and I wanted to learn more.  After all, I was in college and I wanted to get the most out of my experience while I was there.  I get to hang out with cool, new people and step out of my comfort zone 1 night every 2 weeks. 
I was so nervous the first time I stepped onto the scene.  Art took me aside and explained how everything worked.  We made decisions and resolved “combat” via Rock, Paper, Scissors.  There were rules to abide by: No touching, no alcohol, no drugs, and have fun.  He told me to sit back and observe for a little bit to see if I would be interested in joining.
The first interaction happened with players and I sat there watching in utter awe.  There were arguments, “fights”, tests, you name it!  I was hooked!  I knew I wanted to get involved!  I sat down with Art, wrote up a character with a pretty bitchin’ back story, and I haven’t looked back since.
This opened me up to different experiences, different people, and different kinds of games.  I’ve played board games that most people have never heard of that are really great and fun.  I’ve demonstrated new games that have just hit the market.  I’ve attended conventions specifically for games.  I’ve helped run games for other people at said conventions.  Hell, I met my husband at one!  This has been a big part of my life and I wouldn’t change that for the world. 
With that history lesson aside, let me tell you what gaming has really done for me.  It has helped develop my problem solving skills.  When faced with a huge challenge, my party (or fellow players) and I develop a plan.  We discuss who should do what and when.  Sometimes, we have to use our weapons to help defeat the encounter.  Sometimes, we need to use our words to get what information we need.  It’s a great way to interact with people and you learn a lot about yourself, trust me.  What I didn’t expect is the stigma that goes along with such a hobby.
I remember when I was younger hearing about Dungeons & Dragons.  I had no idea what it was all about, but I knew that only really “weird” people got involved in this.  The older I got, the more I was proved wrong about this.  You would be amazed who are gamers now; celebrities, professional athletes, every day people you would never think would be involved.  It seems to becoming more popular, but I still get the raised eyebrows.
It’s even worse if you’re a female.  This seems to put you in a more uncomfortable situation.  The first time I attended GenCon, I was surrounded by women who were dressed very scantily clad.   This was the first experience I had with costume playing, or Cosplay.  At the time, I felt a little uncomfortable because I would never wear something that revealing!  At the same time, I was jealous of those who walked around and didn’t give a shit what other people thought.  They were having fun!  I was all about having fun.  I started to Cosplay with what I had and I came out more and more.  Again, it let me step out of my reality into a fantasy world where everyone was awesome.  However, women were expected to wear next to nothing.  That is the way of the gaming world.  How else are they going to get guys to buy their games?  Put hot, half-naked chicks on the cover!  Makes sense, right?  Let me explain how much that sucks.
The first time I walked into our local game store, it was like a scene out of “The Big Bang Theory”.  Everyone stopped and looked at me all because I was female.  The whole store STOPPED AND STARED!  It was really uncomfortable and kind of embarrassing.  I started to look at some of the games on the shelves, the books they had available, but all eyes were still on me.  Let me stop you right there: No, I am not here to drop off/pick up my little brother/son for a Pokémon tournament!  Yes, I have breasts!  Yes, I am here on my own agenda to buy things!  Oh, THE HORROR!  Get over it!
I’m currently in 3 tabletop games: Star Wars and 2 Pathfinder games.  I get to sit around a table, roll some dice, kill some cool shit, and be an all-around bad-ass!  I don’t get to do that in real life.  It’s fun to step into an alternate reality where I am a force to be reckoned with!  I enjoy the fantasy.  I am not so sucked into the fantasy to try and harm others.  This is a stigma I wish to squash. 
Think of it as interactive storytelling and YOU are the main character!  You have friends that support you along the way.  But most of all, IT’S A GAME!  I don’t see people losing their shit when they find out their children play Monopoly!  Do you think they are going to turn into slum lords or millionaires??  You played Battleship as a kid?  Then you must be a war loving, ship bombing psychopath, right?  WRONG!  All around wrong!  It’s a creative way for creative people to get together and have fun.  If you don’t understand it, try it sometime.  If you don’t wish to understand it, piss off and let the rest of us have our fun!
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a gnoll to shoot with my bitchin’ bow! 

Give me your opinion on the matter.  What games do you like to play?  What do you think of “gamer geeks”?  GAMERS UNITE!