Tuesday, July 14, 2015

HA! HA! Inner sloth strikes again!

I know, I know.  I suck at this.  Every once in a while, my inner sloth will take over and I don’t do things for a really long time.  I really don’t have an excuse for it, but I sort of do.

As many of you know, I had a pretty rough start to my year this year.  I lost a friend of mine right after my birthday.  No more than 3 days later, a doctor was shot and killed at the hospital I work at.  It’s been an emotional beginning and I finally feel like I’m starting to get my bearings about me again.

I’ve finished my second year at Quincy College and had the biggest course load I’ve taken on so far.  Let me tell you, I will NOT be doing that again if I want to maintain my sanity.  My brain and my nerves just can’t handle that kind of work load anymore.

I’ve taken some time to myself to process everything that has happened over the last 7 months and I just wanted to let everyone know I’m still here.  I’m making some health changes in my life, physically and mentally, and I’m starting to feel better.  I’ve taken up a new hobby, gardening, for the summer.  I’ve signed up for the time suck, that is Pinterest, to give me ideas for my garden.  I’m also looking forward to a new school year.  Hopefully, this will be all I need to receive my Associate’s Degree and transfer to a university to complete my Bachelor’s Degree.  Look at me, adulting and stuff!

Once I kick my inner sloth’s ass in gear, I’m going to start running again and exercising more.  But as I always say, baby steps.  Little baby sloth steps.

I will be writing more regularly, that I know.  I’ll keep everyone posted via blog posts of my progress.

What would you like me to write about?  Does anyone else battle their inner sloth?  Tell me about it!