Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Sometimes, You Just Can't Fix Stupid.

Being a recently returned student, I know how much exams suck.  They stress you out and drive you batshit crazy for a few weeks before.  I get that.  But you know what I wouldn’t do?  Call in a bomb threat to avoid one.
Some of you may or may not know this, but a Harvard student did that earlier this week.  That’s right.  This asshat e-mailed a bomb threat to avoid taking his exam and had 4 buildings evacuated in the process!  A Harvard student.  An Ivy League student.  What the hell is this world coming to???
Like I said before, I know how much exams suck.  I remember taking some of the most difficult exams of my life while I was in college the first time.  Music History tortured me!  Music Theory wrecked me!  My tap dance final almost killed me, literally!  Ok, I had bronchitis at the time and didn’t know it, and had to perform at a recital for my exam.  So, it literally almost killed me.  I was instructed by the doctor to not get out of bed for 3 days, no exceptions!  True story.
However, never in a million years, would I ever threaten my school, fellow students, and hard working faculty to get out of taking one.  That’s just idiocracy at its finest.  Congratulations, you have now earned time in a federal prison instead of a degree from one of the most prestigious universities in the country, and possibly, the world.  Now, you get to become someone’s bitch.  I hope you’re proud!