Tuesday, October 1, 2013

An Open Letter to the Cyclists of Boston

Dear Bicyclists of Boston,
From a very young age, I was taught that if you are on a bicycle, you are considered to be on a vehicle and you should obey all traffic laws, like traffic lights or stop signs.  Apparently, I’m extremely wrong based on the nasty looks I get when trying to cross at a crosswalk with the “Walk” sign.
Don’t get me wrong.  I commend people who bike to work.  It’s good for your health, good for the environment, and saves on gas.  However, this does not give you the right to be a douche bag.  You are entitled to NOTHING!  Pedestrians still have the right of way!
Blowing through a red light, biking through a large group of people in the crosswalk, and looking at us like we’re the assholes is unacceptable!  You should in no way, shape, or form be an exception to the rule!  You are not special!  If you get your own designated lane on a city street, you should obey all the laws that apply!  End of story!
I cannot tell you how many times I’ve had to dodge cyclists plowing through a large group of people on their way to work.  So many times, I’ve wanted to throw something into their spokes... but I don’t.  I stead, I yell my displeasure with them using some very colorful metaphors (Thank you, Star Trek 4 for that description).  Playing Frogger to survive my commute and get to work safely is not my idea of a good time.  It’s bad enough the drivers around here are such inconsiderate twats!  One too many times have I been “pushed” by an on-coming car slamming to a halt because they weren’t paying attention to the pedestrian crosswalk.  It’s a damn good thing I work for an awesome orthopedic surgeon!  At least I know I would be well taken care of.
My point is don’t be a dick.  That is the main moral of the story.  Everyone, I’m sure, will agree with this statement. 
Fed up Pedestrian